Multi-award winning adult puppet comedy show for MTV. Outrageous and anarchic, Fur TV  was given the coveted 'South Park' slot in the MTV broadcast schedule and, over the course of it's 22 episodes, became the most widely syndicated show in the history of MTV Europe. Hipster culture magazine Dazed & Confused dubbed creator Chris "the badass Jim Henson".

Director: Chris Waitt

Created by: Chris Waitt & Henry Trotter

Written by: Jason Hazeley & Joel Morris, Henry Trotter & Chris Waitt

Music: Chris Waitt

Producers: Mary Burke, Derrin Schlesinger, Henry Trotter

Editor: Mark Aarons

Production Company: Warp Films

AWARDS (Selected)

Golden Rose of Montreaux (Rose d'Or) (winner)

BBC Greenlight Award, (winner)

Cologne Conference (winner)